Author: Joseph Kennedy

Employer’s decision to medically discharge a firefighter with history of PTSD was wrong
NSW Industrial Relations Commission determines the medical discharge of a firefighter, due to PTSD, was wrong and decision overturned.

Win for RTBU in underpayment of wages case
Hall Payne Lawyers successfully represented the RTBU and its members in Federal Court proceedings against Transit Systems Pty Ltd for failing to pass on annual wage increases.

Major changes for casual employees in 2021
In March 2021, changes to the Fair Work Act came into effect which were the result of the federal government’s attempts at defining casual employment.

Hall Payne & CFMMEU win significant victory opposing ABCC prosecution
In June 2020, we represented the CFMMEU and 2 of their officials in relation to allegations of taking unlawful industrial action at the Qube construction site at Broadbeach in Queensland. On 12 November 2020, the Court handed down its judgment, dismissing the proceeding.

JobKeeper Scheme will be extended beyond September 2020
On 21 July 2020, the Federal Government announced that payments under the JobKeeper Scheme, that was previously due to expire on the 27 September 2020, will be extended until 28 March 2021.

Overpayment of JobKeeper and wage deductions
JobKeeper provides payments to qualifying employers to pay eligible employees during the coronavirus pandemic. Strict conditions apply. But what happens if an employer incorrectly claims JobKeeper? Can they deduct the overpayments from the worker's pay?

What’s causing the surge of unfair dismissal claims?
In May 2020, Fair Work Commission President, Justice Iain Ross AO revealed that unfair dismissal claims have increased by 60% in April 2020 as compared to April 2019. In this article, we identify three potential factors contributing to the increased unfair dismissal claims.

Hall Payne secures win for maritime officers and marine engineers
Hall Payne secures a great win for members of the Australian Maritime Officers’ Union and the Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers in a recent appeal to a Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission related to rejection of the Enterprise Agreement.

The JobKeeper scheme: employee entitlements and employer responsibilities
Although the JobKeeper scheme has been widely heralded, there have also been a number of concerns raised; particularly in relation to potential unscrupulous behaviour by some employers.

Great win for Cathay Pacific pilots
We recently acted for the Australian Aircrew Officers Association in an industrial dispute with Cathay Pacific about remuneration for participating in training, which resulted in a great win for the pilots.

Significant decision in the Fair Work Commission sets out guiding principles to govern interaction between conciliation and arbitration
The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (‘FWC’) recently handed down a significant decision on the practices of a member of the Commission arbitrating proceedings in which they have previously conciliated.

The RUN DIPG story
We applaud all the health professionals, scientific researchers, carers and volunteers who work with the sick and injured on a daily basis and this is one story, of many, celebrating the work they do.