Category: Organisational Law

Can I register my organisation as a public benevolent institution?
Obtaining public benevolent institution registration is highly desired by many organisations due to its provision of specific tax concessions, such as fringe benefit tax exemptions, and potential for increased access to government funding. Not all charities may be registered as a PBI and determining eligibility requires a careful examination of an organisation's purpose, structure, and operations.

Company limited by guarantee vs incorporated association for not-for-profit organisations
For many not-for-profit and non-trading organisations, choosing the right legal structure will often narrow down to a trust, incorporated association or company limited by guarantee.

Registering a charity in Australia
Charities that register with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission can access a range of benefits. However, obtaining the correct registration can be complex.

Benefits of incorporating associations and clubs
In this article, we explore the benefits of incorporating as an association in Queensland, under the Associations Incorporation Act 1999 (Qld) and provide a guide as to how an association goes about incorporating.