Workers compensation win for FIFO worker in the NT

Workers compensation lawyers for FIFO workers in the NT

Hall Payne Lawyers recently successfully represented a union member and former FIFO mine worker who seriously injured himself following a workplace accident. We were successful in winning his case following a 5-day trial before the Work Health Court in the Northern Territory.


Our client was a FIFO worker at a mine operating in the NT and although he resided in another State his compensation claim was conducted under the Northern Territory Workers Compensation legislation.

Our client suffered serious back injuries in the course of employment and has been unable to work since sustaining his injuries. After initially accepting his claim, his employer and its workers' compensation insurer, ceased his claim after relying on one doctor’s medical evidence that he could perform certain jobs whilst ignoring overwhelming medical evidence to the contrary.

We appealed the decision on behalf of the worker, initially through mediation and a 5-day trial before the Work Health Court.

The decision

The Work Health Court found in our client’s favour that on the balance of probabilities his injuries were too severe for him to perform the types of roles that the insurer argued he could perform. In fact, the court ruled that he was fully incapacitated for employment since suffering his workplace injury.

This was a substantial win for our client as it is usually very difficult to succeed with every aspect of a worker’s compensation claim appeal before the Work Health Court.

The result

This win resulted in our client receiving all entitlements to compensation that had previously been cut-off by the insurance company as well as the majority of his legal costs paid by the other side.

The win and the compensation he will now receive allowed our client to finally move on with his life.

Have you been injured in or outside of work?

Hall Payne Lawyers has considerable expertise and experience in acting for both blue and white-collar workers in personal injury compensation matters. If you have been denied your workers’ compensation entitlements, we can help.

Our specialist personal injury compensation lawyers have ensured our clients recover every last cent of what they are entitled to. Our advice will help you get back on your feet, with the compensation you deserve.

If you have suffered a personal injury, we strongly encourage you to seek legal advice. We provide services for injuries related to workers compensation, road accidents, public liability, medical negligence, asbestosis and other dust diseases and abuse claims.

Get help from a worker's compensation lawyer

You can contact us by phone or email to arrange your consultation; either face-to-face at one of our offices, by telephone or by videoconference consultation.

Phone: 1800 659 114

  This article relates to Australian law; either at a State or Federal level.

The information contained on this site is for general guidance only. No person should act or refrain from acting on the basis of such information. Appropriate professional advice should be sought based upon your particular circumstances. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Hall Payne Lawyers.

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