
Author: Henry Pill

Termination of workers compensation claims Tasmania due to whole or substantial recovery

Termination of workers compensation claims Tasmania due to whole or substantial recovery

Tasmanian workers facing termination of workers' compensation weekly payments on the basis that they have “wholly and substantially recovered” from their work-related injury or illness have significant rights under the law – but strict time limits apply.

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Worker’s compensation benefits terminated unfairly

Worker’s compensation benefits reinstated for injured Tasmanian worker

A win for a Tasmanian worker who had his worker's compensation benefits terminated unfairly. The result saw Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal make an order reinstating the worker's benefits.

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Fighting at work can lead to disciplinary action, including termination

Fighting at work can lead to disciplinary action, including termination

A worker involved in a physical altercation in the workplace can face serious disciplinary consequences, including the immediate termination of their employment.

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How do I claim WorkCover in Tasmania?

WorkCover Tasmania - your plain English guide to workers compensation

Making a workers’ compensation claim can be a confusing process, especially if you’ve never done it before. But it’s also a very important step to take to ensure your rights are protected in the unfortunate event you are injured at work in Tasmania.

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Social media use at work and the consequences

Social media and work – employees be warned

Inappropriate social media use at work and even away from work, can have a significant negative impact on your employment and could lead to disciplinary action or dismissal. Just ask Hobart Hurricane's wicketkeeper, Emily Smith.

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Can my employer deduct money from my wages?

Can my employer deduct money from my wages?

Deducting money from a worker’s pay may be unlawful and also amount to an underpayment of wages. Likewise, requiring a worker to spend their own money in order to perform their job may amount to a non-payment or underpayment of wages.

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