Respect@Work Bill to strengthen sexual harassment prevention requirements in the workplace
The Australian Human Rights Commission "Respect@Work Report" made 55 recommendations focusing on preventing and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace.
Can I be terminated while on worker’s compensation in NSW?
It's illegal to terminate an employee within the first six months of a workplace injury purely because that employee is unfit to resume work at that time. After the first six months, an employer can terminate an injured employee but only after they have met all their obligations to their employee.
Estate planning for blended families
Estate planning for blended families often comes with challenges. Learn what to look out for and how to protect your interests.
Injured worker receives nearly $1,000,000 in common law damages
In a deserved win for an injured worker, we have secured $967,383.39 in common law damages for the worker who fell through a roof of a shed, sustaining significant injuries.
Payment in lieu of notice period must be delivered before termination
A 2022 Federal Court decision confirms the act of employers making payment in lieu of notice to workers AFTER termination, is unlawful.
Insurance options inside superannuation
Most superannuation funds provide very cost-effective insurance options for workers, including TPD, income protection and death benefits. Learn more about these types of insurance available through your super.
Difference between unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal
Unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same and there are key differences between the two.
Contravention of parenting orders
Contravention of parenting orders is a matter for the court to deal with, not for individual parents to action.
Worker’s compensation for stress-related illnesses in NSW
If you have a stress-related illness which is caused by your work, you may be able to lodge a worker's compensation claim for psychological injury. This blog looks at the system in NSW.
Industrial action and the right to strike
The considerable attention that workers’ strikes attract has resulted in many employees throughout Australia asking; “what legal rights do I have to take industrial action and to strike?”
Fair Work Commission decision to approve a greenfields agreement quashed by the Federal Court
The Federal Court quashes a decision of the Fair Work Commission to approve a greenfields agreement between Busways and TWU on the basis that it is not a ‘genuine new enterprise’.
Win for Queensland spray painter’s terminal condition WorkCover claim
A worker’s claim for terminal benefits under worker’s compensation was denied by WorkCover Queensland as the medical evidence did not suggest the condition would terminate his life. The worker appealed to the QIRC who overturned the prior decisions