
What is the fair employment guarantee?

Fair Employment Guarantee (FEG) and eligibility

The Fair Entitlements Guarantee is a safety net scheme that provides assistance for eligible employees who have lost their jobs under specific circumstances.

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Can I travel with my children after separation?

Can I travel with my child after separation?

Many separated parents, at some time, will plan to travel with their children either intra-state, inter-state or overseas (once borders re-open). If you are separated, however, there are some things you need to know about travelling with your children, including what consent if any, you require from your former partner or from the courts.

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CFMMEU win significant victory opposing ABCC prosecution

Hall Payne & CFMMEU win significant victory opposing ABCC prosecution

In June 2020, we represented the CFMMEU and 2 of their officials in relation to allegations of taking unlawful industrial action at the Qube construction site at Broadbeach in Queensland. On 12 November 2020, the Court handed down its judgment, dismissing the proceeding.

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What Happens to Your Social Media when You Die?

What happens to your social media accounts after you die?

Social media is everywhere; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. Many people have one or several accounts. But how many have given consideration to what happens to their accounts after they die?

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How do I claim WorkCover in Tasmania?

WorkCover Tasmania - your plain English guide to workers compensation

Making a workers’ compensation claim can be a confusing process, especially if you’ve never done it before. But it’s also a very important step to take to ensure your rights are protected in the unfortunate event you are injured at work in Tasmania.

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What happens if there is undue influence on a Will-maker?

Undue influence and coercive behaviour towards a Will-maker

All too prevalently we receive enquiries from family members who are suspicious that a vulnerable or elderly family member has been influenced or even bullied by a close relative or family member, to change their Will.

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Is a Binding Financial Agreement still valid after one party dies?

What happens if I have a Financial Agreement (BFA) and my partner dies?

This blog will explore the effects of death on a Financial Agreement and circumstances in which an agreement may be set aside.

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Cricket tribunal cases Northern Territory

Win for Northern Territory cricketer at sports law tribunal

We recently successfully represented a keen amateur cricket player at the Northern Territory Cricket Tribunal. Our client initially received a hefty penalty which would see him out of action on the ground for several years.

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When your child doesn’t want to spend time with the other parent.

My child does not want to spend time with my ex. Can I force them to?

After separation where there are children of the relationship, it’s important to put plans in place to ensure both parents have equal shared responsibility for the children, except in cases of family violence or child abuse.

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Bee sting death at Tasiliquid Gold beehives farm

Coronial inquest to determine if victim was an “employee” at the time of death

This matter is dealing with the death of a man after a bee sting. It is before the Coroner in the Magistrates Court Coronial Division. One of the main issues to be determined is whether the victim was a “worker” at the time of the incident, which impacts entitlements for the family under workers compensation and fatal accident laws.

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Can my employer take back money they overpaid me?

Overpayment of wages. Where do you stand?

The traditional understanding in relation to overpayment of wages is that money can be recovered from an employee if the overpayment arose from a mistake of fact, however, overpayment monies could not be recovered if it arose from a mistake of law.

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How to verify your identity for a PEXA e-conveyancing transaction

Verifying your identity for a PEXA e-conveyancing settlement

PEXA is Australia’s online settlement and lodgment platform for property transactions. Verifying your identity is a fundamental step in the process of conveyancing, including e-conveyancing, to avoid any fraudulent property transactions. Hall Payne Lawyers provide secure and simple options for verifying your identity.

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