Your employer instructs you to do something illegal. What are your rights as an employee?
It is imperative you understand your rights and obligations in relation to reasonable and lawful directions from your employer. We explore your rights if a direction requires you to break the law.

Queensland Court of Appeal win for seriously injured worker
A Queensland electrician seriously injured in the course of employment wins Court of Appeal case seeking leave to commence proceedings against a company in liquidation.

Workers compensation entitlements to weekly payments – section 39 (NSW)
2012 changes to NSW workers compensation mean that an injured worker who was in receipt of weekly benefits since 1 October 2012, has no entitlement to weekly payments after an aggregate period of 260 weeks, or 5 years.

Demotion involving reduction in pay and no change in role constitutes dismissal
A recent case before the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has served to highlight the provisions around demotions and the circumstances in which they can constitute a dismissal.

NSW workers compensation entitlements when working from home
With "work from home" options continuing for many workers even after the pandemic, this poses the question, “What are my workers compensation entitlements if injured while working from home?”

Can my redundancy payment be reduced by my employer?
Employers are increasingly attempting to utilise a provision of the Fair Work Act to reduce an employee’s entitlement to their redundancy pay.

Unions are good for workers and good for society
We think it is integral that employment law victories are continually recognised and celebrated so that society continues to appreciate the key role unions have played in Australia’s history.

No conviction recorded – options for keeping your criminal record clean
One of the most common enquiries that we receive from clients who have been charged with a criminal offence is whether they will have a criminal record at the conclusion of the proceeding.

Returning to work after parental leave – your rights
No matter how much you love your job, going to back to work after parental leave can be a scary prospect. So, what are your rights when returning from leave?

Case review - when does unpaid work constitute employment?
A recent decision of the Fair Work Commission has again considered whether unpaid work constitutes employment.

What happens when conditions are imposed on a health practitioners’ registration?
Despite a health practitioner’s best efforts, sometimes conditions may still be imposed upon their registration by a Health Practitioner National Board via AHPRA or the Office of the Health Ombudsman in Queensland.

Long service leave win for stood down pilots at Cathay Pacific
Hall Payne Lawyers recently won a case for pilots at Cathay Pacific Airways, with the Fair Work Commission deeming it “fundamentally wrong” for Cathay Pacific to selectively apply the terms of the airline's enterprise agreement.