Encephalitis and medical negligence claim
In this article, we look at what encephalitis is and what may lead to a medical negligence claim for sufferers.
Can I bring a personal injury compensation claim for my child?
Claims involving children, particularly medical negligence claims, often involve quite complex issues. Navigating the issues to be addressed is quite challenging and there is usually a need to obtain expert opinion to support a claim.
Who can help with your Australian visa application?
In Australia, there are strict guidelines and processes for all visa applications and it’s not simply a matter of having a friend help you with your application.
Differences between Binding Child Support Agreements & Limited Child Support Agreements
Child Support Agreements (both limited and binding) are an integral part of the family law system and are used to set out how your child or children should be supported financially by either or both parents.
Health practitioners’ obligations to continually update National Board
Once registered, all health practitioners have obligations to continually disclose certain events to their National Board, throughout the registration year.
Family business sacks son for attending dinner late
In March 2019, Pasquale was late for dinner at his parents’ house. There was an argument and he was subsequently told to leave and never come back to the house or to the family business where he was an employee.
Cauda equina syndrome and medical negligence
In this article we look at what cauda equina syndrome is and what may lead to a medical negligence claim for sufferers.
How are gifts treated in Family Law property settlement?
In Australia, it is quite common to hear scenarios where parents gift their child a substantial amount of money; perhaps as a deposit on a first home or maybe to travel or do renovations. What we’re looking at today is how that ‘gifted money or property’ is treated in any family law property settlement.
Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) decision appealed and won for VIPA member
Recently, a VIPA (the Association for Virgin Australia Group Pilots) member received a positive outcome in a case where the member’s career was at risk, due to a decision by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to cancel his medical certificate – essential to be a commercial pilot in Australia.
Amendments to Queensland workers’ compensation laws are a positive step for workers
On 22 October 2019, Queensland Parliament passed the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 which amends sections of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 to further assist workers to recover from their workplace injuries. Hall Payne Lawyers consider the amendments as a positive development for Queensland workers.
Social media and work – employees be warned
Inappropriate social media use at work and even away from work, can have a significant negative impact on your employment and could lead to disciplinary action or dismissal. Just ask Hobart Hurricane's wicketkeeper, Emily Smith.
I’ve suffered a psychological injury at work. What do I do?
Many people believe that workers can only make compensation claims for work-related physical injuries. However, there are growing numbers of claims submitted for work-related psychological injuries.