
ETU NSW members win at Sydney Trains

Union win for ETU members at Sydney Trains

The ETU NSW has had a substantial win for its members at Sydney Trains in relation to safety concerns with their 500 light vehicle fleet.

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Court win for young Queensland stonemason with silicosis

Judge determines law to be illogical, unreasonable and inconsistent in stonemason’s dust disease claim

A 35-year-old stonemason, diagnosed with accelerated silicosis and a severe psychological adjustment disorder has been relieved of what the Judge has deemed an ‘illogical, unreasonable, and inconsistent’ dual process enacted by Parliament in 2002.

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Significant changes to entitlements of casual employees

Major changes for casual employees in 2021

In March 2021, changes to the Fair Work Act came into effect which were the result of the federal government’s attempts at defining casual employment.

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Can my employer force me to have the COVID vaccine?

No jab, no work: Can my employer force me to have the COVID vaccine?

The Federal Government’s policy remains that vaccines should be voluntary and free. However, depending on the circumstances, your decision to remain unvaccinated may hold consequences for your employment.

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When health practitioners face proposed immediate action

Immediate action against health practitioners

For health practitioners, facing the prospect of having immediate action taken against their professional registration can be one of the most stressful times in a health practitioner’s professional career, and it can be difficult for health practitioners to determine who to turn to for assistance.

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Your rights if detained for police questioning in Queensland

Detained for police questioning (Qld)

If you are suspected of having committed a criminal offence and you refuse to voluntarily participate in an electronically recorded interview with police, it is possible that you may be detained for the purpose of questioning.

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What happens if someone fails the character test for Australian citizenship?

Australian citizenship applications and the character test

Someone granted citizenship who later displays attributes which bring into question their “good character” can find themselves in circumstances where the government seeks to revoke their citizenship status.

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Grandparents’ rights to have access and spend time with their grandchildren

Grandparents rights to see their grandchildren

This blog provides general information on what the law is with respect to grandparent’s rights to access grandchildren. We will also discuss what financial assistance is available for grandparents who are successful in their application for sole parental responsibly.

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Successful workers compensation, common law and TPD claim sees over $1,000,000 in compensation.

Experience and expertise lead to successful common law claim for NSW workplace injury

We recently acted for an employee who suffered a psychological injury at work in NSW following a fatality which the worker witnessed. The worker was successful with their worker's compensation claim and a work injury damages claim (common law claim).

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What does the court consider in a stay of proceedings application?

Child abuse claims - can they be thrown out of court?

In this article we will consider what is a ‘stay of proceedings’ and look at what a court might consider to grant an application for a permanent stay of proceedings in child abuse claims.

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Workers compensation claims for PTSD for first responders and emergency workers made easier with changes to the law in May 2021

Legislative win for first responders and emergency workers in Queensland workers’ compensation changes

In May 2021. changes to workers compensation (QLD) allow easier access to compensation for first responders and other emergency workers who sustain a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) injury during the course of their employment.

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What is an independent children’s lawyer?

What is an independent children’s lawyer?

In certain family law proceedings, an independent children’s lawyer will be appointed to represent the best interests of your child. Your child will not be able to instruct the ICL nor choose the lawyer they want to represent them during your proceedings.

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