The new PPP500 scheme to speed up family law property settlements
A new pilot program for family law matters, known as Priority Property Pool under $500,000 (PPP500 cases) and aimed at expediting eligible property settlement cases, commenced on 1 March 2020.
Win for emergency workers with PTSD claims in the NT
The NT Parliament is proposing to introduce laws which will mean dedicated emergency services workers, such as paramedics, firefighters and police, will have any compensation claims, lodged with the necessary supporting medical evidence, for PTSD relating to their work, automatically accepted.
Sacked Sydney bus driver reinstated
Hall Payne recently obtained reinstatement for a Sydney bus driver and RTBU member who was sacked by the State Transit Authority (“STA”) for mobile phone use.
Underpayment of wages
With the increasing number of recent cases publicised regarding wage theft across various industries in Australia, it is important that all employees know their workplace rights and entitlements. This is particularly relevant to wage rights including any underpayment of wages.
Coronavirus and Client Appointments at Hall Payne Lawyers
Book your virtual consultation now, with online and telephone options available.
Can I quit my job while on workers compensation?
While you can resign while on workers compensation, it is extremely important to understand that resignation may affect your entitlements. You should ensure you obtain legal advice before resigning.
Implications of Coronavirus for your Employment
A number of Australian workers are rightly questioning their workplace rights and entitlements if they, or their colleagues, contract Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Appeal options for visa applicants rejected due to failing the health requirement
In Australia, most visa applicants must meet minimum health requirements before a visa will be granted. It’s called ‘obtaining a health clearance’. In recent times, there has been a number of media articles about applicants failing this requirement and looking at having to leave the country.
It’s been raining Awards
Doing the work we do is extremely challenging and demanding but at the same time, highly rewarding. It’s particularly rewarding when recognition comes from your peers, by way of Awards.
Great win for Cathay Pacific pilots
We recently acted for the Australian Aircrew Officers Association in an industrial dispute with Cathay Pacific about remuneration for participating in training, which resulted in a great win for the pilots.
Unfair dismissal win strengthened by “other factors”; not just valid reasons or procedural fairness
When determining an unfair dismissal claim, the Fair Work Commission will consider if the termination was harsh, unjust or unreasonable. When assessing the application, section 387 of Act prescribes that the FWC must consider other factors.
Can I claim more assets years after separation, divorce or property settlement?
In this article, we look at what happens if you separate or divorce, finalise the division of your assets and then years later decide that you either want or need more from the property pool than you originally received.