Amendments to Queensland workers’ compensation laws are a positive step for workers
On 22 October 2019, Queensland Parliament passed the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 which amends sections of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 to further assist workers to recover from their workplace injuries. Hall Payne Lawyers consider the amendments as a positive development for Queensland workers.
Social media and work – employees be warned
Inappropriate social media use at work and even away from work, can have a significant negative impact on your employment and could lead to disciplinary action or dismissal. Just ask Hobart Hurricane's wicketkeeper, Emily Smith.
I’ve suffered a psychological injury at work. What do I do?
Many people believe that workers can only make compensation claims for work-related physical injuries. However, there are growing numbers of claims submitted for work-related psychological injuries.
Sham Contracting: Disguised Employment Relationship
Sham contracting is a term used to describe the situation where a worker is engaged by a company as an independent contractor when in fact, they should be engaged as an employee.
Conveyancing - special conditions for residential contracts
When purchasing residential property in Queensland, there is a standard REIQ (Real Estate Institute Queensland) contract used. There is also an option for ‘special conditions’ to be added to that contract.
Contesting a Will - who can challenge my Will?
Anyone having a Will done (and that should be everybody) should be aware of the potential consequences of leaving an eligible person, namely a spouse, child or dependent either out of the Will or with only a small share.
Volunteer deemed 'worker' under Anti-Bullying laws
Benjamin Legge, a foster carer under arrangements with Barnardos Australia, contends he was subjected to workplace bullying by case managers and other managers. He filed an application in the Fair Work Commission seeking orders to stop the bullying.
Industrial manslaughter reforms being proposed for Northern Territory
The Northern Territory Parliament is proposing to introduce industrial manslaughter laws which could see the prosecution of individuals and/or corporations found to be responsible for the death of an employee at work.
All you ever wanted to know about your annual leave entitlements
Annual leave entitlements apply to the majority of the workforce and in 2009, annual leave was enshrined in the National Employment Standards (NES) as one of the 10 minimum entitlements available to employees.
Can I lodge a caveat on the family home during family law proceedings?
A caveat is a registered notice on a land title that will prevent the property from being sold or mortgaged until the caveat is withdrawn, lapsed or cancelled. How do they work in Family Law matters?
What if I have used all my sick leave but I am still sick?
Under the NES, Australian workers in the private sector employed on a full-time or part-time basis, are entitled to paid ‘personal/carer’s leave’. This leave entitlement is commonly referred to as ‘sick leave’.
What is unfair dismissal and what are my options?
If someone is terminated from their employment and they believe the termination was unfair, there are a number of options available for them to challenge the legality and validity of their termination. The most common alternative is an unfair dismissal claim.