Industrial Manslaughter – No One Is Above The Law
In a significant win for good sense and workers’ protections, Queensland now has Industrial Manslaughter laws.

QIRC: Brisbane City Council can’t act unilaterally and determine who isn’t part of negotiations
Hall Payne Lawyers along with the ETU, CFMEU, and AMWU representing workers at Brisbane City Council have successfully stopped Brisbane City Council from acting unilaterally from putting an agreement out…

Supreme Court upholds peaceful assembly in support of enterprise bargaining campaign
In a test of Queensland’s laws around peaceful assemblies, Queensland’s Supreme Court has rejected an attempt by Glencore to stop Union members exercising their democratic and industrial rights. The CFMEU…

Hall Payne Wins Unfair Dismissal protection for Tasmanian Government casuals
After 6 years of dedicated service, Ms Assiri, a nurse and a single mum, who was also caring for her elderly mother was given devastating news – she would not…

A Position Description Doesn’t Determine Union Membership
A recent full bench decision of the Fair Work Commission has determined that it is more than just a person’s position description that determines a person’s primary purpose of employment….

Hall Payne Appoints Joseph Kennedy Principal
Hall Payne is delighted to announce the appointment of Joseph Kennedy as a Principal of Hall Payne Lawyers. Over the past decade, Joe has become known as one of Sydney’s…

Federal Court clarifies the meaning of “organising” in respect of industrial action
Until recently the word ‘organising’ in an industrial relations context has been widely used but not defined. In a recent decision from the Federal Court of Australia, Justice White said…

After facing deregistration, Hall Payne helps NT teacher keep his job
An NT teacher faced deregistration after an inquiry into his private life. Hall Payne successfully defended the matter, helping the teacher keep his job.

Is it true? Or did you read it in the Courier Mail?
Hall Payne develops a novel legal strategy to obtain documents leaked to the Courier Mail and how they got them in the first place. News Limited also had to pay…

Visitation Rights Dispute: Hall Payne Reunites Father & Son After 2 Years of Separation
Frustrated by failed attempts to get access to his son, a desperate father turned to Hall Payne. Within 12 Days, our family law team won him the visitation rights he…

What is an Advance Health Directive? – Why Do You Need One?
An Advance Health Directive (AHD) is a legal document used in Queensland which allows you to give instructions about your health care if you can’t make decisions for yourself. In…

Win for QNMU members, Court finds no irregularity in ANMF election
In a win for QNMU and ANMF members, the Federal Court has ruled there were no irregularities in the 2015 ANMF election for the position of Federal President and Federal…